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Creating a Mindfulness Routine - My Yoga Essentials Creating a Mindfulness Routine - My Yoga Essentials

Creating a Mindfulness Routine

One of the outcomes of a consistent yoga practice is increased mindfulness, or better self awareness and presence in daily life. The more frequently you return to your mat, the more time you take to hit pause on daily stressors, the more mindfully you begin to approach your relationships and day-to-day tasks. 

Yoga isn’t the only path to leading a more mindful life, though it’s a great start. You can create a mindfulness routine by shifting the way you approach a few regular activities:

1. Waking Up With Purpose

Do you hit snooze multiple times before truly waking up? Or, on the other side, do you jump frantically out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off? 

There’s a happy medium between the two that will help you start your day on a more mindful note. Take your time waking up, and wake up with purpose. This could look like: 

Set your intention for the day

  • Sitting up and taking several deep, slow breaths
  • Taking a moment to consider what your intention is for the day – not your schedule or your plans, but your deeper purpose and approach to your waking hours

Start your day intentionally and see how that shifts the time that follows. 

2. Check in With Yourself

It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of your daily routine as it unfolds. Take mindfulness pauses throughout the day to check in with yourself. These might be as simple as setting an alarm to take an actual break – even for just a few minutes – from whatever it is you’re caught up doing, or they can be more involved. Some examples: 

  • A quick digital detox where you shut off your devices and redirect your energy elsewhere for 15 minutes
  • Time outdoors to recharge the body and mind
  • A brief yoga practice or full guided class – whatever you have time for

Digital Detox Put down your deviceIncorporating these pauses as a part of your daily routine gives your body, head, and heart much-needed time to reset. 

3. Practice Mindful Eating

At some point during the day, we all have to eat – but how often do we do this while multitasking? Instead of working or scrolling through social media through lunch, set everything aside and spend your mealtime truly focusing on what you’re doing in the present moment. This could look like: 

mindful eating

  • Paying attention to your food as you eat – noticing the smell, taste, and texture
  • Practicing peaceful eating – slow down, savor your food, and breathe deeply between bites

Mindfulness in Daily Life

Starting a mindfulness routine is a good first step toward living a more intentional, present life. Our blog is a great resource for other approaches to mindfulness and healthy living. If you’re looking for a mat, props, or other essentials for your yoga practice, visit our online store

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