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Self-Care Through the Holiday Season - My Yoga Essentials Self-Care Through the Holiday Season - My Yoga Essentials

Self-Care Through the Holiday Season

2020 has been a unique year, to say the least. As a society, we’ve had to change the way we work, the way we shop, the way we interact with friends and family… the list goes on. We have to remember that all these changes also require a shift in the way we approach wellness and self-care – especially during the holidays. 

Whether you’re dealing with isolation this holiday season or have plans to be with friends or family, remember to take care of yourself – body and mind.

Dealing With Distancing

For those of us who are maintaining distance from others through the holidays, it’s important to keep an eye on our energy and emotions. Even if you’ve been coping with isolation in some form for months, the holidays might trigger emotions or responses that you haven’t had to deal with during other times of the year.

Check in with yourself often: 

  • Are my basic needs being met? Observe whether you’re sleeping, eating, and hydrating as well as you need to – and choose to develop healthier patterns if you’re not.
  • Am I taking time to rest? If you’re working from home, helping children with virtual learning, or going to a physical work environment, it can be difficult to remember to take even a few moments to cease the busy-ness. Rest is important – build planned time to decompress into each day.
  • Do I feel connected to others? Being physically distant doesn’t mean you have to disconnect completely. Especially if you’re in isolation, make sure you’re fulfilling your need for human connection – whether that’s through a virtual yoga class, a phone call, or a FaceTime with a loved one.

Self Care during Isolation Meditative Pose | My Yoga EssentialsPracticing Self-Care

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase self-care? You might imagine a massage at a spa or a weekend away – which may not be available right now because of the pandemic. There are other, perhaps less obvious, ways to engage in activities that keep you well this holiday season: 

  • Get outside. A study published by the University of Exeter reported that people who spent two hours a week in green spaces were significantly more likely to report good health and psychological well-being than those who don’t. Even if it’s chilly out, bundle up and take a walk. 
  • Make time for your hobbies. Even during a year when we’re home more than ever, time to do the things we love might seem short. If you like to read, play an instrument, sew, tend to houseplants – whatever your interests are outside of work and family, set aside time to engage in these. 
  • Practice yoga. Even the NIH agrees that practicing yoga can help improve overall wellness. While most exercise is healthy for the physical body, research has shown that yoga also aids in stress relief and helps improve emotional and mental well-being. If you aren’t able to practice in a studio, there are many great online yoga libraries and livestream classes available. Dallas-based Uptown Yoga offers an extensive online library of 500+ recordings and new livestreams every week, with classes led by their local, experienced instructors. 

Whatever your holiday season looks like, make sure part of it is spent on your own wellness. If you have questions about the many yoga products in our online store and how you can use them to facilitate a yoga practice as part of your self-care routine, reach out to us. 

About the Writer

Krystle Sangillo is a Dallas-based yoga instructor and the manager of Uptown Yoga’s location in the north suburbs. She received her 200-hour certification in 2015 and has been practicing for a decade. When she’s not practicing or teaching yoga, she spends quality time with her young daughter, tends to her home full of houseplants, and works as a marketing copywriter and content manager. 

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