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Stay Cool With These Breathing Practices

Breathing practices that can help cool you down – physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

4 Yoga Poses to Help You Fall Asleep

For many of us, sleep doesn’t come easily. Whether you have trouble winding down as a result of stress, a long day, o...

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Core – Without Crunches

There are many elements of a yoga practice that can help develop core strength. Here are a few that touch on not just the abdominals, but all the stabilizing muscles in your trunk.

3 Ways to Incorporate Yoga Blocks Into Your Practice

For most practitioners, blocks are the second investment made behind – you guessed it – a yoga mat.

3 Poses to Relieve Tech Neck

Even before remote work became the norm, tech neck has been an issue for anyone who spends time using digital devices.

Creating a Mindfulness Routine

One of the outcomes of a consistent yoga practice is increased mindfulness, or better self awareness and presence in ...

Turn it Upside Down - Inversions for Everybody

Here’s what every beginner yogi should know about inversions, their benefits, and examples of several that work – for everybody.

3 Restorative Yoga Poses for Renewal

Spring is a season of renewal – dormant plants come back to life, the days grow longer, and we as humans begin to emerge from our more restful, hunkered down winter states.

Spring Cleaning for the Body and Mind

Ready to do a little spring cleaning for the soul to meet this transition with a clean slate? Here are a few areas to consider. 

4 Reasons to Practice Heart Openers

Beyond the more philosophical reasons to practice heart openers, there are also four very tangible benefits to these poses: 

Yoga Poses for Grounding

As you settle in to 2021, do you still feel a little… unsettled? A new year doesn’t always come with a fresh start, or even a fresh perspective.  Read more about how to ground yourself in the present.

For 2021, Set Intentions – Not Resolutions

If you’d like to enhance your life in the new year, set intentions – not resolutions. Whatever your intention is for the new year, let it be something that helps you feel better – not feel worse about yourself for not sticking to a resolution. 

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